I thought that the exercises for this week were very interesting. I use Myspace and Youtube a lot. I think that the overall concept of Myspace is a good one, it has gotten pretty out of hand now that it is as well known as it is. It seems like no one asks for phone numbers anymore, everyone wants your Myspace address instead. In the beginning it was a good idea and really served it's primary purpose at the time which was networking. I was a little surprised to see OCLS on Myspace, even though I had heard that they had a profile on there. I think that OCLS using Youtube is a good idea because it lets our patrons see some of the programs that they may have normally not been able to attend or see. As for having OCLS on Myspace, it's free so why not? I don't see a huge point in OCLS having a Myspace but I suppose it can't hurt.
I really enjoyed the 2.0 video, it kept me interested and I thought that it was well designed. I wasn't too interested in SEOmoz, it did give me some ideas for sites tha I may want to take a look at but I didn't necessarily agree with some of the sites it found "award winning".
Overall I liked week 4 though and I am looking forward to coming back on week 6.