Thursday, June 21, 2007

Week 10 (The End)

I plan on using my MP3 Player to listen to music for the most part. I would love to download podcasts to it if I can because I am sick of sitting in front of my computer to listen to hour long lectures from the Smithsonian. It would be so much nicer to listen to them while I'm taking a walk or possibly in the car (if it has those capabilities). Either way I'm really looking forward to having one since I never have before.
I'm not really big on audio books but I think it would be worth a shot to actually try to sit down and listen to one....usually I find it too hard to concentrate without actually sitting down and reading it.
I'm a little sad that Learn 2.0 is over. I learned a lot and found many sites in this course that I have never seen before and I had a lot of fun.

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